Our online coupons only version of the service is equally effective and perhaps even more beneficial to the local merchant on a budget. Our participating small business owners will benefit from the local resident who is searching for coupons to use on just about anything that they made need to improve their homes and lifestyle. Coupons are great in good or bad economies and research indicates coupon redemptions are at an all time high.

Consumers research their purchase and compare prior to shopping and your offer may just be the "closer" they need to visit your establishment and buy from you instead of the competition. The number of shoppers doing research online prior to spending their hard earned dollars, especially big ticket items, is enormous. Are you going to let your business go un-noticed by these potential customers who are just a click away from their next purchase? I hope not!

Contact your local Hello New Neighbor representative and ask them how you can become part of our next mailing in your neighborhood or load your coupon offer to our online coupon site www.MyCouponLocker.com today!



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